School Council
In this page you will find a welcome message from the school council president, details of the school council, useful links and answers to frequently asked questions.
Dear Parents of Gladesville Primary
On behalf of Gladesville Primary School’s School Council, welcome to our school community! We are an active school council that meets approximately monthly through the school year. Our School Council consists of parents, teachers and community stakeholders. Each school council member is also involved in at least one focused school council sub-committee. We take pride in helping to create the vibrant and supportive community that thrives at Gladesville. The School Council's goal is to integrate Gladesville Primary School into the wider community, to develop the school as a hub and heartbeat of the local community.
Our school council operates according to the following principles:
Respectful partnerships
Clear and honest two-way communication
Transparent processes
Democratic, informed decision-making
Personal and professional integrity
If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to myself or any of the school council members - either in person or in writing. We welcome your correspondence to continue to shape and develop our wonderful school.
Russell Yeo
School Council President
School Council 2021
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the school council?
A: School council is a legally formed body that is given powers to set the key directions of the school. It is the major governing body of the school that, within the Department of Education and Training guidelines, decides the future directions for the school and oversees the school’s operation. We are established and operate under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic), the Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017 (Vic) and a constituting Order.
Q: What are the responsibilities and functions of a school council?